Last Update: 20 May 2024

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the data protection and privacy regulation for the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA) that also addresses the transfer of personal data outside of the EU and the EEA region.

Read the full law from Here

View The European Commission’s GDPR Infographic

Here is the summary of how ShopCred collects, stores, and uses the data maintaining the GDPR rules.

  • How do we use your information?
  • Who do we share your data with?
  • How secure is your information?
  • Which third parties do we share our data with?
  • How can you take control of your data?
  • How can you delete your data?
  • Ways to reach us regarding your data.

The purpose of this document is to provide necessary information regarding GDPR, the law, and how ShopCred is going to implement the GDPR principles for their products and services of

GDPR Execution of ShopCred

Since the beginning of the business, we have upheld strict privacy and data protection policies. Fortunately, they also correctly comply with a lot of GDPR guidelines.

To comply with GDPR, we have changed our privacy statement and terms of service. You may browse our –

Terms & Condition of ShopCred and Privacy Policy of ShopCred

Here is how we collect and use your data by the Rules of GDPR.

  • Basic information like name, email address, phone number, and postal address; we collect those data to create a user profile. It helps us for further assistance.
  • We collect customers’ data like IP address, web browser, payment email, billing address, payment method, credit card, or PayPal information when they buy from us for billing purposes and to prevent rogues.
  • We use Google Analytics, the most renowned and trusted service provider. Any other third-party companies or businesses do not have access to any of your data from use.
  • We frequently collect some of your browsing information like the pages you visit, the products you view, and the pages you interact with just for marketing purposes.
  • You have all the rights to view the information that we have stored and can delete anything you want.

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